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Keep up to date with the JDM π Dream Sweepstakes and unlock future deals and offers!
JDM π Dream Giveaway?
What is the JDM π Dream Giveaway? Its simple! Its the JDM Dream materialized into reality! Coming to Japan and expericing the Japanese car scene is basically a right-of-passage for any car enthusiast, but its relatively unobtainable. The JDM π Dream Giveaway is here to fix that!

Your future ride!
This is your chance to win the trip of a lifetime! Not only will you take home this 1997 Nissan 180sx Type X (Yes, the one with the SR20DET). You will be flown to Japan to experience the car scene in your very own car! (With a plus one!) That's not all! You will also receive $20,000 cash and we will export the car to the United States on your behalf!
Every $1 that you spend gets you 2 entries for a limited time! (During the car's building process). You can also get one free entry by subscribing to MrBoost on Youtube here!
What modding process? Glad you asked! As you can see in the picture, the car isn't quite up to snuff yet...
With your help, we will change that! You get to help MrBoost mod the car via input on his Youtube series! You get to help determine the outcome of the build!